citema is member of the Blockchain Bundesverband e.V.

We are proud to announce that citema is a member of the Blockchain Bundesverband (also called Bundesblock). The Bundesblock is a non-profit association founded in 2017, that promotes blockchain technology in Germany.

citema wishes you a Merry Christmas!

In the spirit of Oscar Wilde
“The future belongs to those who recognise opportunities before they become obvious.“
we wish you all the best for 2021 and that all your plans succeed, both in business and in your private life!

citema is member of VDE

The VDE e. V. (German: Verband der Elektrotechnik, Elektronik und Informationstechnik) is one of Europe’s largest technical-scientific associations. Its members are actively driving forward key technologies and their applications, focusing especially on topics such as cyber security, energy, mobility and smart cities.

Blockchain business models in the making

The development of new blockchain business models led us to cross borders to Austria! Our Blockchain Bayern e.V. working group was invited to a workshop.

First members’ meeting of Blockchain Bayern e.V.

The Bavarian Blockchain community met for the first member’s meeting of Blockchain Bayern e.V. on the 4th of December. At this meeting, working groups were formed through impulses and ideas from the members.

citema is member of Blockchain Bayern e.V.

We are pleased to announce that citema systems is an official member of Blockchain Bayern e.V.
Blockchain Bayern e.V. was founded as a non-profit association by the Technical University of Munich and the Center for Digitization in Bavaria (ZD.B).

VDE Awards 2019

Once per year, VDE Bayern presents the VDE Awards for special technological and scientific achievements. We participated at this year’s award ceremony.

Founding ceremony of Blockchain Bayern e.V.

Lights off, spot on! On September 25 2019, the founding ceremony of Blockchain Bayern e.V. took place at the IHK Munich.