‘Hackers, cyber criminals, spies – what we need to protect ourselves from.’

Together with VDE Bayern, citema discussed current cyber security challenges and practical examples from science, politics and industry at Sundowner 2024.

The supporting programme included exciting keynote speeches by Dr Reinhard Brandl, MP (Committee on Digital Affairs in the German Bundestag, digital policy spokesman for the CDU/CSU parliamentary group), Florian Seitner (Cyber Alliance Centre, Bavarian State Office for the Protection of the Constitution), Prof. Dr Hans-Joachim Hof (Vice President for Digitalisation, Ingolstadt University of Applied Sciences) and our Senior Cyber Security Consultant Andy Hadjic, who gave an insight into the cyber security challenges of securing legacy systems.

The citema group team was well represented with our CEO Rainer Keiditsch, COO Sascha Maurus, CTO Markus Gehring, Michael Sedlmeir (Junior Cyber Consultant) and Lea Hertlein, which emphasises the importance of such meetings. The intensive, personal exchange between Dr Reinhard Brandl and Rainer Keiditsch was once again very enriching and inspiring.

A sundowner event worthy of its name: The networking evening under the golden evening sun on the roof terrace of the event location brigk rounded off the event perfectly. We would like to thank VDE Bayern, especially Peter Rief, Tanja Schak and Klaus Bayer for organising the event.

Further information on VDE Bayern can be found here: VDE Bayern Website